How To Live Around A Home Renovation

A man and woman dance with their a labrador  who's on its hind legs. The man and woman are in white tshirts  and faded blue denim. The woman holds a paint roller. They're all in a half renovated room with plaster-less walls and paint pots and brushed

Depending on the scale of work being done to your home, renovations can range from smooth as you like to really quite disruptive. If you’re looking at a bigger project one of the first crucial decisions to make is whether to stay in your home and move around or seek temporary accommodation. This choice hinges on several factors:

Space constraints

Consider whether there is enough room for construction work to proceed without major disruptions to your daily life. Limited space might require finding alternative accommodation to avoid constant interference.

  • Assess usage needs: Identify areas that will remain usable and determine if they meet your daily needs.

  • Create temporary zones: Designate specific zones for living that are away from the renovation work. This might mean using a microwave or portable cooker somewhere else in the house for example. 

Home insurance

While standard home insurance typically covers small renovations, it might not extend to extensive work or properties left unoccupied for over 30 days. Verify your coverage with your insurance provider and explore additional options if necessary.

  • Review policy details: Understand the extent of your coverage and any exclusions related to renovations.

  • Discuss with your insurer: Inform your insurance company about the renovation to ensure your policy remains valid.

Mess and disruption

Renovations produce considerable dust and dirt, leading to significant disruption. This can be particularly challenging for families with children or members needing quiet spaces.

  • Set up clean zones: Establish areas of the home that remain dust-free and clean for family activities.

  • Schedule builder hours: Negotiate working hours with builders to align with your family’s routine.

Cost considerations

Temporary accommodation adds to the overall renovation cost. If the budget is tight, consider staying with friends or family occasionally to take a break from the chaos without incurring additional expenses.

  • Calculate total costs: Include potential accommodation costs in your renovation budget to avoid surprises.

  • Look for deals: Search for affordable short-term rental options if staying elsewhere is necessary.

Work environment

Construction noise can be extremely disruptive, especially for those working from home. Plan your work schedule and consider alternative workspaces to maintain productivity.

  • Identify quiet workspaces: Research local co-working spaces, libraries, or cafés as potential work locations.

  • Establish work hours: Communicate with builders to create a work schedule that minimises noise during critical hours.

Tips for staying at home during a renovation

A Black man in his thirties is sat at the end of an dark oak table reading the financial times. He wears a roll neck and burnt orange shirt. In the back ground white light pours through some half open blinds and a plant is creeping in from the corner

Deciding to stay in your home during a renovation can require some strategic planning to manage the process smoothly.

Minimise mess

Clear the way for construction by decluttering and storing important possessions safely. This creates more space for builders to work and protects your belongings from damage.

  • Organise storage: Use off-site storage or a rented storage container to keep valuables safe.

  • Label boxes: Clearly label boxes and store them in a systematic way for easy access post-renovation.

Protect your home

Use dust sheets to cover furniture and other items. Renovations generate dust that can reach unexpected places, so protecting your home as much as possible is crucial.

  • Seal off areas: Use plastic sheeting to seal off areas under construction from the rest of the house.

  • Clean frequently: Regularly clean dust-prone areas to maintain a livable environment.

Invest in noise-cancelling headphones

Renovations are loud. Noise-cancelling headphones can help you maintain focus and sanity during noisy construction periods.

  • Create a relaxation zone: Dedicate a quiet room as a retreat from the noise.

  • Use white noise machines: Employ white noise machines to drown out construction sounds.

Navigating the unpredictable

Renovations can be unpredictable and, if left to their own devices, often bring delays and unexpected costs. Here are strategies to help you stay in control:

Use Beams

We had to add this one in. At Beams we work over three design calls to create your perfect home, we then organise our vetted contractors to carry out the work. You can share your conditions, ideas, and concerns to receive practical advice. Our team will guide you through every step of the process.

  • Regular check-ins: Schedule consistent meetings with us to stay updated on progress.

  • Detail-oriented planning: Ensure every aspect of the renovation is planned in detail to avoid surprises.

Use your Project Dashboard

Keep track of your project's progress and budget with our detailed project dashboard. This tool provides a comprehensive view of all activities, helping you stay informed and in control.

  • Set milestones: Break the project into smaller milestones to track progress effectively.

  • Budget tracking: Regularly update the budget to reflect any changes or additional expenses.

Manage Stress

Renovations can be stressful. Engage in activities that reduce stress, such as guided meditation, exercise, or talking to friends. The mental health charity Mind offers resources to help manage stress effectively.

  • Practice Self-Care: Prioritise activities that promote relaxation and well-being.

  • Stay Connected: Maintain communication with friends and family for emotional support.

It’s a journey with ups and downs

Although importantly it should always finish on an up.

Living through a renovation project is undoubtedly challenging, but with careful planning and the right strategies, you can minimise disruption and stress. Focus on the end result and remember that the transformation will ultimately make your home a happier and more functional space. You can explore some of our completed projects for inspiration and reassurance as you navigate your renovation journey.

Our service helps reduce the stress of home renovations by making sure everything is in hand, from expert designs to vetted contractors. Get an estimate to speak to us:


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